
Booking for 2025 is now open.

Prices held from 2024

NB The Earlybird discount ends on 31 March!

Click on the link below for the booking form in your preferred format (Word or pdf).

Complete the form and follow the payment instructions on the form.


You can use the booking form for weekend and day season tickets.

You can also use the form to book an evening dance or a music workshop package.
If you are booking a weekend or day season ticket, leave the evening dance and music workshop boxes blank.


Booking form Word format

Booking form pdf format


Regency Ticket now available!

Two workshops and the costume ball on Saturday 21 June.

For more information about the Regency option, see the entry for Georgia Delve on the Callers page.

  • If you have a Festival Saturday- or full weekend season ticket, you can choose to attend the Regency workshops and the Saturday evening costume ball on 21 June as part of your Festival experience. (No extra cost, and no further booking required.)
  • If you would like to attend just for a Regency experience, you can purchase a Regency ticket. This will give you access to two Regency workshops and the costume ball at the Festival on Saturday 21 June.

To Book a Regency ticket, click on the link below for the booking form in your preferred format (Word or pdf).

Complete the form and follow the payment instructions on the form.

Regency Booking form Word format

Regency Booking form pdf format